Kennedy is 11 weeks today...Some days I look at her thinking I can't believe 11 weeks ago she came into this world...and then other days I find myself waiting and waiting for that next milestone or change. Whatever day it is, I love her even more and treasure the time I am spending with her. She is getting quite the little personality now: smiling, kicking, talking, and finding more and more things she can do with her hands. She loves to watch Baby Einstein (and anything Mommy is watching)! I wonder if she will be a classical music fan? Haha! Everywhere we go people comment on her hair...I tell her that it is her signature :) She never lost her hair, it only got longer! I am super excited that I can put clips and bows in it. I am in trouble with all the cute hair things out there for babies!!!! Here are a few pictures from the past week or so. The camera loves her, what can I say??!! ;)
Love when she crosses her hands.
Loving on her Daddy <3
Getting sooo big!
Check out my cute outfit...and my growing hair!
She will kill me for pictures like this one day, but Rusty caught a shot of her crazy eyes! haha!
Watching TV, little couch potato!
Playing...the star on the top changes colors and plays classical music, she loves it!
Daddy plays with me's a little crowded though :)
I have Daddy's hair too!
And I am pooped out from all this playing...and modeling!
I am trying to wake her up for her bath but it isn't really working.
She still loves her baths...all snuggled up waiting for Daddy to blow dry her hair, yes he does that!
Here are a few pictures from my cell phone that were too cute not to share :) She is in her workout clothes in this one, getting ready to walk with Mommy!
And after our walk....we love when she stretches out!
Smiling...well burping :)
GIRL power, haha!
I love this sweet angel face baby :)
And yes, she has a little clip in her hair!