The next few pictures were actually taken the weekend before Vegas at Tabatha's bachelorette party downtown O Town. I love this girl so much and am extremely happy for her.
It was a DeLand girl reunion! Friends since middle school.
Tabatha and her momma.
Ceviche's Tapas was the perfect place to start the night.
And FUN was definitely had!
A week later, Team Crook on their way to the chapel!
The Grafs representin'
We made it! These are the peeps we would spend the next 5 days with. Shawn's sister and her husband and Tabatha's friend Kari and her husband.
My Chab
First kiss in Vegas!
First night in Vegas with MY baby!
Winning! NOT!
We scored some tickets to see a comedy show. I seriously laughed A LOT. And it turned midnight while we were in there...which meant it was the beginning of my birthday Vegas time and Tabatha's big day!
I wanted to hold his baby, haha.
We ate here late night...and met Julie our waitress. Who would get us into a great club that weekend!
Who needs an expensive pedicure when you have an amazing husband to scrub your feet on your BIRTHDAY! I love him.
A kiss goodbye before the wedding!
Her sexy shoes.
Getting ready! And multi-tasking!
They airbrushed her foundation makeup. She looked so gorgeous!
Yumminess and a toast to the bride!
Tabatha wore my wedding dress and I was so honored. Brought back such great memories.
My best friend is getting married on my birthday!
He couldn't stop looking at his beautiful bride.
Not the best picture but the only one we got!
This was in the limo on the way to the ceremony. My cell phone died soon after this photo. The wedding was perfect and so intimate. Afterwards, we all went back to the Paris hotel restaurant for a delicious diner with drinks. What a great day!
Rusty's mom flew in the next day from California and spent some time with us. It was a beautiful day to walk the strip, have some drinks, and do some gambling!
I love this man so much.
Donna and I had too much fun playing poker and drinking martinis! I even won a little money! Love this picture.
Thunder thighs! haha
The infamous Caesar's Palace
People watching and catching a ride!
After a fun day, Rusty and I rallied and went out with everyone to Beacher's Madhouse, a new club in the MGM that our waitress friend Julie got us into for free. It was a madhouse for sure but so much fun! Here is Mrs. Crook and I!
Straight out of Mylee Cyrus' dreams for sure. CrayCray
We took a ton of pictures inside but with Rusty's phone. If you aren't on Facebook, then you missed out on seeing the madness. From Pee Wee Herman to midgets to Barnie the purple dinosaur to enormous boobs. We saw it all. All while having a blast with friends! It was a great way to end our trip for sure. The next day was spent lounging and vegging out, much needed. And then....
Home to our BABIES! Such a great trip!