Kennedy's birthday is in the hottest month in Florida! We picked Trotwood Park in Winter Springs area for the party because it has a splash pad and is mostly shaded. It was a hit with the kids! Thank you God for a breezy day, it was such a great party. Kennedy has so many people that love her. My friend Amy so nicely took the pictures of the celebration for us! I told Rusty that I secretly love to party plan (well not a secret anymore since I just told you) but I always end up stressing myself out to make it perfect. All that matters is that the birthday girl had fun and that she definitely did! Thank you to those that came out to make a splash for our little mermaid :)
Kennedy's love of Ariel was the inspiration for the whole party.
Hard to see but I named all the breakfast treats with fun under the sea names. Yea, I get excited about that stuff. Must be the teacher in me. The donuts (compliments of Gramps) were named DO-NUT feed the sharks, haha! We also had seaweed grapes and clam cookies!
Views of the pavilion. Highly recommend a party at this park.
The fun goodie bags!
Now the party can start!
Another fun craft I made was a photo booth. Although I didn't get everyone to participate!
These are all of Tabatha and Shawn's kids. I love them. They were so helpful at the party with the little kids too.
Bookey, Lillian, and Presley. That's not a hat Lilly, lol!
Kennedy's boyfriend Daniel...oh and his mommy and daddy!
My friend Litsa and her sweet girls Reece and Karoline.
I apparently missed the joke but I think Julie was combing Tab's hair with the Dinglehopper!
Shawn gladly accepted my dare to wear the red wig! The happy couple :)
Hard to believe we have been friends since middle school. Love these girls!
Uncle Johnny and Kennedy getting in on the photo booth fun!
Aunt Nicki too! This made me laugh.
My friend Lisa, Julie, and I. Lisa lives in Maitland and has a little girl 3 months younger than Kennedy. We have fun at all the play dates!
Uncle Matty and Presley having a chat. Presley was such a sport for the day, she was passed around to everyone!
Even Gramps!
Jeanine and her cutie Miles.
Tabatha's lovely family...Christmas card??!!
This is Alyssa Crook, Tabatha's boyfriend's daughter. She is so sweet and Kennedy loves her. She took care of Kennedy almost the whole party!
Love this!
Sweet girls all around! I loved Kennedy's outfit! Thank you Aunt Julie for the shirt!
Splash Pad Fun!
Emma, Amy's oldest daughter, and Kennedy had so much fun in the water.
Kennedy and her friend Grace.
Silly girls!
Boys will be boys!
Rusty made this cookie cake especially for Kennedy. She loves cookies so it was perfect!
Getting a lick before we even start singing!
She just stared when everyone was singing to her!
Needed a little help with the candle!
And she is off again! I love her tutu Matt got her from his new store (they sell them in all kinds of colors, apparently tutus are in for sporting events), it was perfect for the mermaid look!
Cousin Landon was there too. He and Kennedy kept going to look at the turtles down at the lake. Kennedy has a new obsession with turtles since we saw them at the Orlando Science Center. She thinks lizards are turtles too, haha.
With her cousin Asher checking out the turtles.
There were so many to see! I brought bread for all the kids to feed them with too.
Kennedy had a wonderful birthday party! She was tutu cute for being two!
She had school the day before her actual birthday so we brought cookies (of course) to share with her friends. Daddy even showed up to surprise her!
On her actual birthday Daddy continued the pancake tradition...yes this stack was bigger than last year...and yes we shared with our neighbors. Wow.
Kennedy was not too impressed at first, lol! Notice she has on her Ariel nightgown!
So big!!
This is her "It's my birthday today" picture. She is 2 and she totally looks it here...going on 16. We are in trouble! What a great birthday weekend for a very special girl!
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