There's a first for everything....

I truly enjoy blogging about our journey as parents and sharing all the pictures of our family with you...but most of all I hope that one day Kennedy and Presley will love reading this blog and cherish each memory I have tried to capture for them. Our girls bring us so much joy everyday!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Back to School for Kennedy!

Kennedy has really loved we decided to enroll her for the Fall, 3 days a week.  She is in the 2 yr old class now instead of the toddler class (such a big girl but actually the baby in the class since she isn't quite 2 yet).  We are only on day 2 and both days she has been exhausted.  She actually fell asleep at the lunch table today (this is unheard of for Kennedy) and they called me to pick her up a little early.  When I got there she was asleep on a blanket in the corner of the classroom.  Her butt was in the air and she was OUT!  It was so cute because all the other kids were playing around her.  My baby girl was so busy learning she was too tired to eat!  She will get back in routine soon though after having such a fun summer.  While Kennedy is at school, Mommy and Presley get to spend some QT together running, doing errands, and just sitting in quiet for a few hours, haha. 

 Meet the Teacher day for Miss Kennedy.  The first time in 10 years this wasn't in MY classroom and it felt so good!
 Daddy's girl.  Love.
Kennedy making herself at home in her new class.

 Monday, August 19, 2013
Maitland Presbyterian CECE
2 year old classroom
Ms. Cindy and Ms. Macy
She is ready for the big day with her new shoes from Nini and her favorite water bottle.
Oh and her ARIEL lunchbox :)

She is turning into a little girl fast.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013
Her new school outfit from her Maw Maw and her princess book that Mommy got her for $1 in Target.  Good dollar spent.  She is ready for the day! 

Presley during our morning run at Lake Lily.  She is growing fast too and getting chunkier by the minute.  

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Our Sweet P

Seriously time is going by sooo much faster with Presley than it ever did with Kennedy. I would like to stop time here before she starts to MOVE too much, haha.  Presley will be 5 months old on the 28th.  I just can't get enough of her sweet, calm, easy going self.  She is so happy and her smile lights up the room.  She is rolling, talking to whoever will listen, laughing, trying oatmeal, and loving her colorful toys in more ways than one.  She loves her sister and her sister loves her.  Good thing since she accompanies us on the play adventure of the day for Kennedy and watches in awe at all the busy toddlers.  On the days when life gets a little crazy with 2 little ones, I stop, take a deep breath, and count my blessings (and maybe vent to my husband or a friend).  Like I said, time is moving so won't always be like this...the girls won't always need me like they do I am taking in these moments and trying to record them here for them to enjoy one day.  These pictures were taken by once again Miranda Hagan with Pixel Perfect Memory Photography.  I can't say enough about her talent, as you will see in these beautiful pictures of our precious girls.  And the best part is she is a friend who loves my girls.  These pictures will be treasured.  Forever.

 She is so kissable.
 Her hair is most definitely lighter and much less than her sister's ever was!

 My mommy can't quite style my hair just yet so we just go with it!

 My favorite.  Breathtaking.

Of course Kennedy has to be in the pictures!  She is always giving her sister kisses, so sweet.

She tries so hard to hold her.

 The totally candid, perfect picture of our almost 2 year old!  Love this!  I had outfits for both girls for this photo shoot by the way, but nature and nakedness just go together :)
 Another favorite.  This is a true Kennedy face.  Love!
And this one.  She looks like her Daddy.

 Where's your belly button Kennedy?  She has done this with her toes too since birth I think! 
 That hair...she has no idea yet how lucky she is!
 My sweet girl.

 Her cheeks have come a long way :)

Hi baby girl!  We love you so much!