There's a first for everything....

I truly enjoy blogging about our journey as parents and sharing all the pictures of our family with you...but most of all I hope that one day Kennedy and Presley will love reading this blog and cherish each memory I have tried to capture for them. Our girls bring us so much joy everyday!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Ten Months is TotaLLy FUN!

I am a little late on posting these pictures so some of them are more recent than others and of course there are quite a few to catch up on!  I seriously have to quit saying that every month is my favorite BUT this one is bringing LOTS of smiles to Kennedy and Mommy and Daddy :)  Her little personality is in full force!  She looks bigger every time I turn my head...especially when she is standing in the middle of the room with no hands or feeding herself in her high chair.  I keep telling Rusty that she is no longer just 10 months old...she will be ONE next month!!!  Oh wow, time sure does fly.  So this past month, Kennedy has been busy standing solo (steps will be SOON), smiling with a mouthful of teeth (I lost count, but I think 10), giggling, and is trying lots of new finger foods (including cucumbers, hummus, broccoli, cheese sticks, french toast, and pasta).  My favorites are that she started saying MOMMA (not that she knows why yet, but it's still so sweet), she gets shy now and puts her head on my shoulder when someone talks to her, and also is very snuggly now when she is tired....basically she is a mommy's girl!  I am cherishing every minute I get to hold her and rock her when she is STILL :)  Rusty loves that she runs from him now...AKA crawls as fast as she can when he chases her saying "I'm going to get you!".  He also loves to tickle her under her neck, rub her back to give her chills and he is always singing Twinkle Twinkle or Old MacDonald to her (her faves!).  We enjoy all the family time we can get and as you will see...taking lots of pictures of our beautiful baby girl!  She has a new expression daily, enjoy!

Hi my name is Kennedy, I am 10 months old and this is my new bean bag :)

 This picture was taken on her birthday...Rusty made her whole wheat cinnamon french toast...she liked it and so did we!

 She was sliding on the wood floors, haha! Silly girl.

 Love when she gets on her knees and love this new shirt we got her!

 Studying Baby Einstein, she seriously loves invention ever!

 She gets so excited when the music comes on...I am sure she will know how to use the iPad soon!

 She follows the animals as they cross the screen!  So cute!

 Snuggling with Mommy. The.Best.Ever.

 She loves the vacuum and also this bookcase.  It is the FIRST place she crawls to when she is out of her gates!

 Loves her water and broccoli is a hit! 

 These are her new baby gates...been a lifesaver for me!  She is yelling to get out I think, haha!

 This is her other favorite place to be in the house, looking out the window.  I love her reflection in this picture!

And there she is again, this time she is dressed!

 Watching her new favorite movie, Barnyard, after breakfast.  I catch her smiling at certain parts...wonder if she gets it?? :)

 Headed to the pool...she LOVES the water!  That is the Graf in her!

 Something was funny!

 Our baby angel!

Playing with Mommy!  Told you she was doing lots of smiling these days!

Hi Kennedy!

 She sleeps in the funniest positions now!  And she looks so big in her crib!

 Twin Toes!  Will she have Daddy's flat feet?  That is the question!

I had to include this one.  My friend Rhonda from high school had triplet girls the month before I had Kennedy.  She already had one daughter.  Then on the right side of the couch are my friend Amy's three kids and Kennedy of course!  We had a daycare on the couch, haha!

My photographer friend asked Kennedy to model this outfit for a children's company...she gave me the edited pictures in sweet!

 Of course she was playing with the sand!

 This one and the next one are my favorites!  Look at those curls!


So stunning...I just want to eat her up!  Thank you Melody Dowdy for capturing these!

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