There's a first for everything....

I truly enjoy blogging about our journey as parents and sharing all the pictures of our family with you...but most of all I hope that one day Kennedy and Presley will love reading this blog and cherish each memory I have tried to capture for them. Our girls bring us so much joy everyday!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Are you ready for some football??!! Fall is here!

Well it doesn't quite feel like Fall yet, although this week it has been in the 80's!  BUSY is the best word to describe how our lives are right now and I am pretty sure that won't change for a while. Working, a NEW house, growing a new baby, football season, fun fall festivities, trying to prepare for this half marathon, and of course the busy bee herself, Miss Kennedy, all keep our calendars and our minds pretty CrAzY!  But it is mostly all GOOD stress and we are feeling very blessed these days for sure.  Here are a few pictures from Kennedy's first real UCF football game and a few other randoms pictures I have squeezed in :) 

 Umm I am not so sure of all these people??!!  But I look cute :)
 Here we go!  She actually didn't even flinch at the noise and chaos of the stadium!
 She is getting so big!  She loved the cheerleaders and the band coming out.
 Joining in on the cheering!  Go Knights!
 Watching intensely with mommy. 
Trying to catch her clapping but instead we caught this.  All the pictures were taken on my cell phone so sorry they are a little distorted.  Kennedy loved her first game and is looking forward to many more! 
 And sometimes we leave Kennedy home :)
We are converting Matt, haha!

A friend of mine made my shirt, so cute!

 Hottest game EVER, I was so burnt by the end of the day!
This is what Kennedy was doing while we were sweating...a friend of mine from high school was in town so our nanny Rachel watched the girls for the day.  Malin didn't understand why Kennedy wasn't potty trained??  HAHA!
And we can't forget about NFL...Go Jags!  She can't be fans of ALL Daddy's teams!

Halftime Lake break....Kennedy loves being outside playing!

Practicing her cheerleading skills with Daddy, she's a natural :)

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