There's a first for everything....

I truly enjoy blogging about our journey as parents and sharing all the pictures of our family with you...but most of all I hope that one day Kennedy and Presley will love reading this blog and cherish each memory I have tried to capture for them. Our girls bring us so much joy everyday!

Thursday, June 7, 2012

A Notorious Nine Months!

So much is happening every day that I can't keep up!  Kennedy is gaining more and more confidence...which means Mommy and Daddy need more and more patience!  She is officially CRAWLING and PULLING UP...oh and then LETTING GO!  Girl has no fear!  She has mastered rolling over into a sit up position, so no more just laying around looking at the ceiling; she is always sitting, even in her crib...which means she is playing and pulling up when she is supposed to be sleeping, haha!  She finds fuzz, cords, shoes, or whatever else I think I hid and plays with them.  She wants to touch everything...her faves are the house phone (waiting for the time she calls 911!), the mail, and keys!  She still "knocks" on things, we love it, it's her signature!  At her 9 month check up, the pediatrician laughed when she knocked on his stethoscope and startled him!  She is also waving (the cutest!), stands on her tipee toes, sleeps with her butt in the air and one hand backwards, and SQUEALS all the time!  Kennedy loves to suck on ice and is now snacking on rice cakes and baby puffs (and still eating all her veggies I make!).  She now has 5 teeth (hence why she loves ice!) and I think 3 on the way!  Oh, she has her FIRST freckle on her top right thigh...and lots more to come I am sure!
Enough rambling though, I have pictures to show all these fun things Kennedy is doing these days :)
Hang tight, there are quite a few...of course! 

9 month check up...60th % for weight (19 pounds), 30th % for height (my little shawty), and 90th% for her head (has been since birth).  She got a perfect bill of health and our favorite Dr. Coffman told us she had incredible social skills :) Oh and she didn't even CRY for her shot and finger prick.  The best visit yet!!!!!

 The beginning of our family photo shoot...

 Family sandwich...Kennedy has the best expressions as you will see in all the pics!

 I love this one!

 Mommy's Angel

 No more kisses Mom!  Put your dukes up, haha!

 Popeye as Rusty calls this face!

I love her legs in the picture!  And notice she is playing with her binkie, she chews on it all the time!

Kennedy LOVES the water, and Daddy loves taking her swimming!

 Just playing around in the tub, lol!

 Butt in the air, her fave position!

 Kennedy had her first fever last month, so sad :(  She loves when Daddy rubs her belly.

 Just having a snack!


 She still loves water, but would rather chew on her cup and drink from Mommy's!

 Nice face Kennedy!

Her wave, so cute! 

 Her dimple (under left eye)...and yes, these are Daddy smiles!

She isn't always serious!

 The ice!

 Where are you mommy?

I am coming to get you!

 Love this!
I found you!!!  haha!

 Helping Mommy with the dishes.

 And the laundry...small heart attack while I captured this moment!

Kennedy, you are getting TOO big TOO fast!

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