There's a first for everything....

I truly enjoy blogging about our journey as parents and sharing all the pictures of our family with you...but most of all I hope that one day Kennedy and Presley will love reading this blog and cherish each memory I have tried to capture for them. Our girls bring us so much joy everyday!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Eleven months is one away from ONE YEAR OLD!!

I am trying to catch up on blogging...once again so many pictures of this month and Kennedy's adventures!  This past week poor Rusty had sudden kidney stone surgery, so after 3 trips to the hospital, lots of pain medicine, and rest (and worry for me)...he is on the up and up.  It was a long week but we are so glad he is feeling better.  In the meantime though, Miss Kennedy has been busy getting SO big.  I would say the biggest change, besides the 5 steps she takes on her own sometimes, is that she has her very own language.  Rusty and I love listening to her have conversations with herself in the car, her crib, while she plays, or really anywhere, anytime!  I wish I knew what she was saying.  She is a talker...wonder where she gets that from??!!  She also loves to play with her bouncy balls.  My mom got her a princess soccer ball when we were in Rhode Island and she started throwing it to me.  It's the cutest.  Will she be into sports like her Daddy and Uncles??  She is still trying different table foods.  Cheese is a fave!  Kennedy brings us so much joy just watching her love of life.  She is so determined and full of personality.  She has mastered the wave and will wave to anyone around!  She also loves her binkie, the green light on my computer, A Bugs Life, standing on top of things and drinking water!  I will let the pictures tell you the rest of what she has been up to this month.  I can't believe I will be blogging her first birthday this month!!!!!!!!

 Into everything...the one time I don't put them up!

 Looking for everything...we love when she does this, it's cute and funny, especially when she can't reach what she wants :)

 Up to no good face!

 Giving Daddy get better kisses <3

Pool time!  We do this a lot in the evenings these days!

 Blowing bubbles with Mommy!

 Mommy's belly button!

 She loves to jump off the sides...thanks Miss Renee for teaching us Humpty Dumpty :)

 Having fun!
 Swimming with Daddy another day.

 Waving to Daddy!

Chillin' by the lake.  Love her pony tail!

 The next few pictures are for my Mom...I sure hope that MY Nini is reading this in heaven.  She would be so happy that Kennedy LOVES the ceramic pig that she made me.  I have had it in the corner of Kennedy's nursery since before she was born.  She just recently found it.  She looks for it when she wakes up from naps and plays with it constantly!  So sweet!

 Peek-a-boo Mr. Pig! 

 They have the same expression, haha!

 Her new BFF!

 I like this one because it's looks like she is laughing with the pig!
 Where's Mr. Pig's nose?  We are working on facial features!

Hiding Mr. Pig!  I am telling you, she loves this thing!

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