There's a first for everything....

I truly enjoy blogging about our journey as parents and sharing all the pictures of our family with you...but most of all I hope that one day Kennedy and Presley will love reading this blog and cherish each memory I have tried to capture for them. Our girls bring us so much joy everyday!

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Trick or Treat 2013!

Halloween gets more fun every year with kids.  I have decided that we will dress up too next year.  I mean, why not?  If I am going to eat their candy, I may as well earn it!  This year Kennedy was Princess Ariel and thanks to my friend Renee and her crafty self, Presley was her sidekick Flounder...I was calling her Floundette all night, haha.  Uncle Matty got them their tutus to help make their homemade, put together, costumes look more girly.  He also came trick or treating with us which made Kennedy's night.  We headed to a neighborhood close by that a friend from Kennedy's school lives in.  They had a little get together with food and drinks and then we all headed out to the block party to trick or treat.  I was telling my brother Matt that this neighborhood reminds me of Longleaf in DeLand.  We used to go there to trick or treat because they had better candy and lots of fun kids, plus it was somewhat safer.  This street was packed with people and each house was giving out a special treat.  Not just candy...cotton candy, pumpkin ice cream (What??!!) and drinks!  It was nuts and put our old days in Longleaf to shame!  Kennedy had a blast with her friends and even though she was still unsure about what trick or treating really is, she was so sweet going up to the doors and using her manners.  And Presley, well she was the trooper she always is.  She slept through all the chaos of the block party and then woke up to enjoy Kennedy and her friend Britton on a sugar high squealing and chasing each other around!  We all had such a fun night! 

Happy Halloween from the Graf Family!  Maybe I should have been Ursula, haha.

This is Kennedy's cheeeese face!

I love these girls so much!
This is a framer, a keeper, a favorite by far.  This is Kennedy with Presley all the time.  This wasn't posed, it was captured.  I heart it a lot. 

She was not a huge fan of the wig but she did better than I thought she would!

The girls...not paying attention.  I love that we are all looking at what Presley is doing and it's not even anything exciting, haha!

We were so happy Uncle Matty was with us.  These girls love him...a lot.  So do all the kids in the family! 

Bumbo, wagon, and Floudette are all ready for the night!  I could just eat her!

Swinging is her new fave.  That and Matty :)

This is Britton...the rock star diva! 
 Two of my loves.
Costume Contest.  They all won :)
 And the night has begun!
 Yes I am going to get some candy!
 Moving on.  I love her tutu!
 Me and P keeping up with the fun!
 This was the block party.  It was packed, but lots of fun.  It's kinda neat to see how people go all out for the kids.
 Matty was working hard for his share of the candy.  And scoping out the ladies, haha.
 Wig on, moving on.
 Found some chocolate!
 This was the line for the cotton candy.  No we didn't wait!
 Matt got all excited because they were serving drinks at this house.  It was water, in a pumpkin cup!  Good idea!
 Our friends the Wenholds.  Melissa was the Momma-Ger (manager) and Brian was Security to protect the little Rock Star Miss Britton!  We are dressing up next year, I am thinking already...
 Cutting through the lawn!
 Sleeping beauty.  I can't believe she stayed asleep in the craziness.  And that when she was awake, she wasn't scared of the costumes.
 This was a friend of Melissa's.  I forget her name but she was the Tacky Tourist and was so funny!  She actually reminded Rusty and I of Melissa McCarthy!
 That face...
 We only went to like 10 houses and that was enough!
 Time for a snack from all that hard work!
Adult beverages made the night even more fun!
 I am awake and happy!
 This was right before they started to get a sugar high!
 I see your hiny, it's bright and shiny! 
A kiss to end the great night!
Thank you to the Wenholds for inviting us to join in their Halloween fun! 

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