There's a first for everything....

I truly enjoy blogging about our journey as parents and sharing all the pictures of our family with you...but most of all I hope that one day Kennedy and Presley will love reading this blog and cherish each memory I have tried to capture for them. Our girls bring us so much joy everyday!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Kennedy's school Thanksgiving program!

I mean they already had me at the Halloween costume parade...and now a Thanksgiving program with the cutest little turkeys and Indians ever singing and dancing to the cutest little songs ever??!!  I. Can't. Even.  I had to laugh while I was videoing to keep from crying.  We were so proud of Kennedy, she knew exactly what to do in each song and was one of the very few from her class that wasn't too shy to stand up with the bigger kids to perform.  If I can figure out how to post a video of the performance I will, it was that cute!  Nini and Uncle Eric (or carrot as Kennedy says) even got to come watch since they arrived that morning for a Thanksgiving visit.  Kennedy recognized them right away in the audience and started waving.  It was such a great day and kick off to the fun family week to follow...take a look and see! 

 Here she comes!  They had to move the show inside at the last minute due to weather so we were a little packed.  Kennedy was so cute looking for us.
 There she goes, our big girl!
 She sat right down. In the wrong spot.  But right next to our friends the Sharons at least. 
 This is when she realized where we were in the audience.
 That sweet face.
 Doing her moves, she did so great!

 Her hat kept slipping down, too funny.
 Yay Kennedy!
 This is her teacher Ms. Amber.  She moved closer and closer to her.
 This is her teacher Mrs. Andi.  We are so blessed to have them as her teachers!
 Our friends, the Sharon Family.  The twin girls are a year older than Kennedy.  Jeremy works with Rusty and this is how we found out about this great pre-school program at Maitland Presbyterian.
 Uncle Eric was there too!  Kennedy calls him carrot, hilarious!
 Nini with Kennedy's turkey hat!
 Love!  Kennedy looks so grown up! Tear.
 Rusty was there too but can you believe we didn't get one good picture??!!  Auntie stayed home with Presley since it was her nap time.  So thankful for family.

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