There's a first for everything....

I truly enjoy blogging about our journey as parents and sharing all the pictures of our family with you...but most of all I hope that one day Kennedy and Presley will love reading this blog and cherish each memory I have tried to capture for them. Our girls bring us so much joy everyday!

Monday, April 2, 2012

Seven months of SuNsHinE!!

I feel like this has been my favorite month so far, although I am sure I will say that again!  Kennedy is so much fun, learning something new everyday it seems and smiling up a storm.  She is ALMOST sitting up solo, getting up on her knees (uh-oh!), she has TWO bottom teeth now, her expressions are getting better with age (she makes cute shapes with her lips), and her hair is GROWING!  She is constantly jibber jabbering...Rusty swears she is saying Da-Da!  And being in public doesn't phase her, she just gets louder when we are in the stores!  She is VERY curious and needs to have everything in her hands or her mouth.  I tell her that she is going to be a baton twirler when she grows up because she is very talented with her wrists, twisting them and tossing things between hands.  Or maybe she will be in construction because she is constantly hammering her fisted hand on everything...I guess it's her way of feeling things??  Either way, it's so cute!  She also learned to rock back and forth...the beginning of dance??  Haha!  She now reaches for ME to pick her up or take her from someone's arms, it melts my heart!  She also give kisses...well, maybe she is just trying to chew on our noses BUT it's still adorable when she grabs our faces and leans in for a big smooch :)  Kennedy is just such a joy, our little princess!  We have been busy bees this month as you will see in the pictures I am trying to get posted tonight!  Enjoy!

Gramps got Kennedy her very first Easter basket...and yes, it's bigger than her but so cute!

This is one of her lip expressions she makes...OOoooHHHH!! 

Gramps got her a few furry friends to put in her basket too...and this about sums up our photo shoot!  LOL!

Sitting up like a BIG girl! 

This is where we wait for Daddy to get home from work.

My Easter outfit from Nini, well one of them! 

I just wanted to document some of the random things she plays with when I am busy in the kitchen!  Of course she loves the phone!  Haha! 

Givng her "Kisses" to my friend Amy's daughter Lillian, so sweet!

Did you really just put pigtails in my hair mommy??  Yep!
I think she likes them!!

Lots of smiles this month!  This was at Kennedy's first birthday she was invited to for her friend Karoline.

Where did she get her blue eyes from??!!  Love it!

Somebunny loves you....even if you don't want to smile for pics with mommy! 

Not posed and my favorite captured moment...Rusty worked late and came home to this. 
I love her so much, my angel!

One more...she loves books...and she looks SO big here!

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