There's a first for everything....

I truly enjoy blogging about our journey as parents and sharing all the pictures of our family with you...but most of all I hope that one day Kennedy and Presley will love reading this blog and cherish each memory I have tried to capture for them. Our girls bring us so much joy everyday!

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

OUC Half Marathon 2013

I completed this same half marathon 3 years probably the best shape of my life, 2 weeks before my wedding, before babies, when time was my own...and it was such an amazing experience.  My friend Natalie encouraged me and inspired me...and I crossed the finish line with a big smile on my face.  So when she asked me to do this race again with her, it didn't take much to convince me!  It was my goal to get back in shape after Presley and something to do for myself.  I had no idea how hard it would actually be to do this though.  During the 3 months of training, I struggled to get my runs in because it was so hot, I had a stroller to push most of the time (which makes it hotter and harder), I rolled my ankle stepping off a curb with 2 babies in my arms which set me back a week or so, I got sick with a bad cold, my babies got sick with bad colds, AND did I mention that little thing about time??!! But I made some time and was able to get a couple longer runs in and felt half way ready for the big day.  Bummer that it was pretty hot race day (December 7), which made it tough to run such distance.  I kept up with my future sis in law Morgan and her cousin Jenna for the first 6 miles but then I realized that I couldn't keep up that pace so I backed off and tried to get in my own groove.  At about mile 8, I talked to Rusty (yes, I talked to him) and said to him that I wasn't sure how I would knees were hurting, my ankle was throbbing, I was hot, and felt extremely out of shape!  I mean, who runs 13 miles??  Oh yea, me...3 times, and once pregnant!  It was then I decided that this momma was done with distances like that for a while, maybe forever, haha.  But I pulled myself together, stopped a couple times to stretch, chatted with Amy for encouragement, Nicki by accident but thankfully, and tried to FaceTime my Houston family to wish my niece a Happy Birthday (love my iPhone)....and finished the race in 2:25 ( about 12 minutes slower than my first one).  I think I was even more happy to cross the finish line this time because at one point I didn't think I would make it.  I did it.  Yep, I did it!  It's kind of amazing how powerful your mind is.  Congrats to all my girls that rocked that race!  Natalie, you were built to RUN!  When's my next race you ask?  I am aiming for the Winter Park Road Race, which is a perfect 6 miles! 

This was right before the race started.  We were all pumped.  That quickly wore off for me, haha.  My friend Natalie is the one in the back with her mouth open wide and her sis in law Jamie is in the black hat next to her.  This was her and Jenna's (the cute one in the middle) first half marathon and they both did awesome.  Oh and that's Morgan on the left, she is going to be my new sister in law on May 3rd! Notice the photobomber, creepy.

 Here I come...yay!
 Since I was the last one to cross, everyone was there to cheer me in.  I let them know that I was dying with this look (I felt like I was)!
There I go...I love how Kennedy is sitting on Uncle Johnny, no bloomers, with her banana!  Daddy did such a good job getting the girls ready and to Lake Eola to see me run!

 There's Morgan...or Gorgan as Kennedy calls her.  She finished with a great time!
 And here comes Jenna!  16 and doing her first half, so awesome.
Excuse the sweat on me but here is my girl Pineloch Pal.  The reason behind this half marathon madness.  We have a picture from the last half we did like this, look back on my blog if you want to see! She waited for me just to take this picture and give me a sweaty hug!

And here is her little cutie Miss Brady!  She was there to cheer her mommy on!

 We did it!
These pictures were taken by Morgan's mom.  I think we were excited to be done!

Kennedy photobombed this picture, haha.  She wanted to be with all the girls.  She kept saying "Momma runnin"!
I love this picture her mom got!  She is one of the reason's I made it across the finish line...and also one of the reason's I am out of shape!
My cheerleaders!

 Another medal to add to my collection!  Kennedy looks thrilled...but not as thrilled as I am to be not running!
 Taking a sit.  Much needed!  I seriously hurt for a week after!
 The happy couple!
 So proud!
 The Graf tongue thing...haha.
 Posing like we are at the high school dance.  Are we old?  
 Morgan and her momma Terri!
 I love my family.  P is checking out my medal!  Kennedy is wearing Jenna's!
Despite it all, I am so happy I did this. Thank you to all who listened to me complain and still encouraged me!  

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