There's a first for everything....

I truly enjoy blogging about our journey as parents and sharing all the pictures of our family with you...but most of all I hope that one day Kennedy and Presley will love reading this blog and cherish each memory I have tried to capture for them. Our girls bring us so much joy everyday!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Our first FAMILY vacation

I am sure all parents think twice before they travel with an infant, thinking they just might be "that parent with a screaming child" on the plane...or at least I had those thoughts when we decided to take our first vacation with Kennedy.  BUT she did awesome and we were proud parents!  Although, I will say, traveling with an infant and all the things that go along with them is a whole new ball game...thank goodness Rusty was with me!  Kennedy slept most of the trip there and back and when we were in the airport, she loved watching all the people and craziness as she sat comfortably in her baby Bjorn!  I did get the experience of changing her diaper in the very small plane bathroom!  Ugh!

Ok so back to the vacation...we flew into Providence to see Nini and all the rest of our Rhode Island family.  Her face was classic as we walked out into the freezing weather!  She is such a Florida girl!  Kennedy was in awe of all the people she got to meet, and loved Missy's two labs Sonny and Pippy.  Rusty and I left Kennedy with Nini for the weekend and drove to New York City for a pre-anniversary getaway and for a friend's wedding in the city.  We missed Kennedy SO much but really had a great time...we <3 NYC and it was all decorated for the holiday!  We went to see a great Broadway show this trip too starring Daniel Radcliffe (Harry Potter).  Who knew he could sing and dance??!!  The wedding was so beautiful too and it was great to see our friends Gina and Michael.  One thing we didn't do was take many pictures, I know you are all surprised!  haha.  Here are the ones we did take, enjoy! 

Our snow bunny checking out her new surroundings.

Exhausted from traveling all day, thank you Nini for borrowing everything I needed to be comfortable!

The only picture I have of Kennedy and Nini...Kennedy looks like she's seen a ghost, haha!  That is her cousin Madison who loved helping take care of her too :)

This is Kennedy meeting her Aunt Susan after she went to church....where she slept in the pew!  She is also wearing the BEAUTFUL hand knitted sweater her Aunt Dianne made for her, so sweet. 

While Kennedy was busy with her Nini and being loved by all the family...Rusty and I were in NYC trying to stay warm and seeing the sights.  This is at Rockefellar Center near the tree.

We stayed right in Times Square...Happy 1st Anniversary to us!

The city was all lit up!  And we were trying to stay warm!

Of course I had to get Kennedy something!

This is the Broadway show we went to see,  it was great!

Celebrity Spotting...Guess Who?? :)

At the Sansone/Driscoll wedding :)  Never underestimate a NYC wedding, wow.  Oh and there was SO much food!

The beautiful bride Gina!

There were windows all around the building to see the view of the city.  We really had a great time!

Ok, back in Rhode Island to see our sweet angel that we missed SO much!  She changed over the weekend and seemed to really find her "voice" telling us lots of stories about her time with the family!

The girl cousins representing :)

Kennedy loved spending quality time with Missy. 

She got to meet her Uncle Burt many new faces!

Mommy missed her so much!

I know this is a silly picture, but she is talking to me about her weekend :)

The boys will kill me for this picture but it's the best one I had with her Uncle Oh Low!!

ThAnK You Mom for a great vacation!  We could really enjoy ourselves knowing that our baby girl was being so well taken care of and loved by so many people.  We appreciate EVERYTHING you did for us all.  We love and miss you all so much already! 

1 comment:

  1. I was wondering if I'd see photos of your trip on Facebook and then realized I should check your blog. Looks like a great vacation and a nice first get-away. Glad Kennedy was a good traveler! Merry Christmas to you guys!!
